STAR WARS EPISODE IV: A NEW HOPE (Original Theatrical Release) VHS
STAR WARS EPISODE IV: A NEW HOPE in its original theatrical release on VHS. Item is factory sealed in the original CBS/Fox wrapper, and available for purchase.
Release Years (exact dates not documented): 1986 (Re-release #1), 1987-1989 (Re-release #2)
Original Retail Price: $80
Trailers/Extras: Trilogy trailer either before (1987-89 release) or after (1986 release) the film
ANH recieved two (known) re-releases before being released in a boxed set in 1990. Re-release #1 coincided with the VHS release of ROTJ in 1986, when the complete trilogy became availible on VHS for the first time. This re-release contained an ad (after the film) for the trilogy (at this time, simply three cassettes that could be purchased separately). It also added a line of dialog for C-3PO, absent from the 1982 release and the 1977 theatrical release (it was added for the film's 1978 theatrical re-release): "The tractor beam is coupled to the main reactor in seven locations. A power loss at one of the terminals will allow the ship to leave." The box does not have a barcode. Despite being released in 1986, the only copyright date found on the box is a 1984 copyright for the package art. The copyright date for the trilogy ad states 1986.
The second (Re-release #2), released some time between 1987 and 1989, simply moved this trailer to the beginning of the tape, before the film. The film itself was left untouched and also features C-3PO's added line.
Both releases are essentially the same transfer as the 1982 release and therefore are also availible only in Pan & Scan format.